術前評価Preoperative assessment
自己紹介Introduce self
産科的病歴の聴取Obtain pertinent obstetric history
既往歴Medical history
麻酔歴、麻酔家族歴Previous anesthetic/family anesthetic history
気道評価Airway examination
術前準備Preoperative patient care
制酸剤Administer sodium citrate
100%酸素投与Administer 100% oxygen by mask
子宮左方移動Left uterine displacement
静脈路の確認Ensure working intravenous catheter
非観血的血圧計Apply blood pressure cuff
パルスオキシメーターApply pulse oximeter
心電図Apply electrocardiogram leads
用具の確認 Equipment availability check
麻酔回路の確認Quick circuit check
気管チューブEndotracheal tube
喉頭鏡の確認Laryngoscope with functional light
吸引の確認Functional suction
パルスオキシメーター音Pulse oximeter audible
血圧測定間隔Blood pressure monitor cycling
心電図の確認Electrocardiogram functioning
産科チームリーダの確認Verify obstetric team readiness
輪状軟骨圧迫Apply cricoid pressure
導入薬投与Administer induction agent
サクシニルコリン投与Administer succinylcholine
効果発現を待つWait for medication effect
喉頭展開Direct laryngoscopy
気管挿管Pass endotracheal tube
カフInflate cuff
ETCO2の確認Confirm presence of end-tidal carbon dioxide
産科医への報告Notify obstetrician to proceed
輪状軟骨圧迫の解除Release cricoid pressure
呼吸音の確認Confirm bilateral breath sounds
気管チューブの固定Secure endotracheal tube
術中管理Intraoperative management
分娩前Before delivery
人工呼吸器の確認Initiate mechanical ventilation
適切な一回換気量と呼吸回数Appropriate tidal volume/respiratory rate
FiO2 0.5 Maintain FIO2 _ 0.5
吸入麻酔薬1MAC Maintain inhaled agent _ 1 MAC
眼球保護Protect eyes
胃管留置、吸引Orogastric tube placed and suctioned
体温モニターTemperature monitored
筋弛緩モニターPeripheral nerve stimulator placed
分娩後After delivery
オキシトシン点滴投与Oxytocin added to intravenous fluids
吸入麻酔薬の減量0.5MAC Decrease inhaled agent _ 0.5 MAC
笑気投与Administer nitrous oxide
麻薬投与Administer opioid as needed
静脈内麻酔薬の投与Administer hypnotic as needed
筋弛緩薬の投与Administer muscle relaxant as needed